What Is medical Qi gong?

Medical Qi Gong therapy is the cultivation of Qi within the body through movement exercises and passive energy work. 

One of the four main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and used successfully in hospitals throughout China for hundreds of years, this modality is the energetic foundation upon which the other branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine are based. It is the practice of gathering, circulating, and applying life-force energy in order to promote healing and wellness.

Medical Qi Gong therapy facilitates the release of suppressed energy and emotions that have become toxic to the body's tissues, leading to imbalance, pain, and disease. It is commonly used to promote general wellness, as well as to treat a host of imbalances including (but certainly not limited to) chronic pain, physical injury, gynecological conditions, neurological disorders, depression, skin disorders, respiratory conditions, chronic fatigue, and much more.


What Can you Expect?

With medical qigong, I provide lasting relief by assessing and regulating the patient's qi (chee) using my intention and focusing my own qi to influence their's. When coupled with visualizations and emotional council, alleviating resistance in the qi meridians and reestablishing a free flow becomes merely a matter of repetition. The body wants to be in balance and medical qigong addresses the root cause throwing it out of balance. Distance medical qigong allows similar results despite having no physical contact.

Expect a discussion about your values and desires in life, your physical ailments, and what your experience has been with your own energy.

Then, through discussion about balance and specific QiGong prescriptions (exercises and movements), expect to feel a balance and lightness at the end of the session. Additionally, as needed I will provide lifestyle and dietary advice, and herbal prescriptions.

Experience a Brief Taste of Medical Qi Gong:

Watch the following video and follow along to get a sense for what Medical Qi Gong entails.


I am currently running a limited-time 2023 New Year’s Special! Use code 2023 at checkout for 23% off you first appointment.

Initial Remote Medical Qigong Session via phone/video

1 hour 15 minutes @ $250.00

Expect to feel less scattered and more in control of your experience of your body, resulting in symptom relief from inside your home.

This option is for those struggling with digestive, emotional, musculoskeletal, neurological, gynecological, or any other chronic symptoms or diseases. It’s also a great starting point for anyone interested in optimizing their health and life!

Private Qigong Lesson

30 minutes @ $90.00

30 minutes of focused time for those looking to deepen your understanding of your current practice or help generate momentum in your fledgling one. One-on-One time is invaluable, as many of the subtle truths of qigong are best transmitted directly.